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If you want your business to grow, you need to give your affiliates or downlines regular and comprehensive training. Only when your affiliates are equipped with all the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities can your network marketing business finally provide you with a leveraged income.
Regularity is not the only requirement for training your network marketing affiliates. Depth is also an important factor. Your training must touch all aspects of the network marketing business if you want your affiliates fully prepared for whatever challenge comes their way.
Grammar and spelling lessons may seem a waste of time to you and your affiliates at first, but rest assured that it’s a lesson worth learning. Quality of writing is often considered proportional to one’s level of professionalism. If you want people to respect your network marketing business, don’t give them any reason to treat you otherwise.
Writing is also critical in various stages of the network marketing business so it’s a skill worth mastering. You need to write when you’re adding content to your website, composing newsletters to distribute to your prospects and affiliates, or sending messages through your autoresponder.
Writing is virtually done every step of the way so make sure you train your affiliates long and hard on this.
Making a follow-up call or letter is an art in itself, and it’s one that your affiliates must perfect. It’s quite rare for prospects or leads to respond at the first try and as such, follow-ups are almost always necessary. This, however, doesn’t mean they’re easy to do because they’re not.
The ideal tone for follow-up is assertive but not aggressive. It must not exert pressure of any kind. Your follow-up should also serve to remind in case your lead has forgotten about your call. It should also serve to persuade in case your prospect isn’t completely convinced yet of the viability of what you’re offering.
Lead Generation
On training your affiliates, another thing you should focus on is lead generation. A lot of network marketing businesses have failed simply because its owners are unable to generate their own leads and rely too much on buying lists of MLM leads.
One other thing you should work on is making your affiliates understand the need for high quality leads. Success in network marketing is based on finding the right persons to recruit and not just recruiting the first person who says yes to you.
As their mentor, be aware that it’s also your responsibility to keep yourself updated about the latest trends in lead generation and share it with your affiliates.
Internet Marketing
This is necessary for individuals who are more familiar with traditional network marketing strategies than those used in current times. These people are mostly unaware of how to launch their network marketing business online. It’s your job to help them realize their full potential and make the best of their businesses.
An introduction to [tag-self]search engine optimization[/tag-self] would do for starters. Afterwards, teach them the basics of [tag-self]Web 2.0[/tag-self] marketing like [tag-self]social networking[/tag-self] and bookmarking, forum marketing, blogging, and podcasting. Don’t forget to teach them the rudiments of ebook, article, and email marketing as well.
Now that you know the four essential types of MLM training, it’s time to develop your training formula. Once implemented, your network marketing business is set to explode!
If you would like to find more information about how you can successfully grow your network marketing business on the internet, follow the “Internet MLM Success” link in the resource box.
Tracey Walker is an Expert Internet Network Marketer who hates rejection and chasing dead-end leads. To learn more about how she completely stopped having hotel meetings and still grew a lead database of over 211 prospects while generating over $1,703 in less than 30 days even though no one joined her business, click this link ==> Internet MLM Success