My preferred method of contact is Skype since it's just so darn handy. Use the buttons here to connect with me or call me. You can also drop me a note in Skype's chat window which I can answer directly. All in all, it's a great tool and if you aren't "on" Skype yet, you should be. It's free to install and call another Skype user. You only need "credits" to call from a computer to a real phone.
My Skype ID is CenayNailor -- feel free to request contact and send me a note about what I can help you with.
For those among you who are geeks at heart (or just want to be), I also have a Slack work space where you can come visit, ask questions, or get your geek on. Click this invitation to join that workspace.
Contact Me
"*" indicates required fields
If you have requested a phone call, please be sure to provide a valid phone number and a preferred time for me to call in the body of the message. I respond to ALL requests. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
In the event the form above doesn't work, please contact me at cenay [at] cenaynailor [dot] com
Have an emergency? Skype or Slack are the best ways to reach me.
BTW - my favorite WordPress plugin, ever, of all time. Thrive Architect.