It’s likely to get bad around here for the next couple of weeks. In fact, it’s bad not just here!
I own and update more than 50 blogs, and every single one of them is currently *under construction*. Or to be more accurate, being moved from one hosting control panel to another.
See, I got tagged with a virus. A little bit of injected code that someone managed to get past the defenses that were in place at the time. (Admittedly, not as much as is in place now). After chasing it for almost 2 months now, I broke down and requested my hosting company move me to a new server. They graciously agreed.
I began moving every domain this morning at 2am. If there is a site of mine your normally visit (for example, the How To Videos over at *I Can Do It Myself* or the behind the curtain look at Internet Marketing Techniques) then please note it might not be available for a few days. The videos occupy more than 20 gig of storage space and moving them is time consuming.
The accumulated files on a domain like images, audios, videos and PDFs has to be painstakingly placed back in exactly the same place. If you find a link or image broken, I would appreciate you letting me know. God I hate hackers.
Hopefully, more soon.