MLM may never be the same!
If you have spent any time in multilevel marketing, I am sure you know his name. If not, then do yourself a HUGE favor and jet on over to Magnetic Sponsoring and check him out. He has rocked the MLM world with his “Attraction” techniques and is creating successful marketers in any company or program.
The reason I mention Mike Dillard (one of my mentors) is that he has just release a new product that I personally think will take MLM to the “next level”. Recruit With Words is a new call series on copywriting. This skill is what allows you to write “the prefect presentation”, that works for you 24/7 without rest, pause or potty breaks.
Frankly, the value he provides makes any product he releases a*sure bet* in my book. I took the 10 day boot camp (no longer available), the 7 video series, bought the Magnetic Sponsoring eBook and then the MLM Traffic Formula. I can tell you that everything he delivers is worth about 2000% more than he charges.
Success in this business means doing what about 95% aren’t willing to do. That includes learning new skills. Copywriting is one of the required skills (again, in my book), that every single network marketer on the planet needs to learn, and as soon as possible.
The Recruit With Words call series Mike is doing will be 3 (1.5 hour) classes. I have listened to several “calls” he has done with other marketing giants like Tom Beal and Tim Erway, and the content is always astonishing. The price for the call series is $297, but if you promise to email Mike a testimony after the call, you can get it for $97. (Didn’t I tell you he over delivers?)
So, stop what you are doing and go reserve a spot while there are still some left. He always limits the classes and they will fill up fast.
Give Me The Details And Let Me Register For Mike Dillard’s Copywriting Call Series