For those of you have followed my directions on a few of the plugins like Ohz Admin Panel or some of the commenting plugins, this upgrade will require a bit of extra work for you.
The new WordPress contains some of these same features built right in. If you have also installed the Automatic WordPress Upgrade plugin (also a recommendation), then listen close. Deactivate Ohz Admin , and any commenting plugins you have added, before upgrading.
Complete your upgrade, including the step to upgrade the database that drives WordPress, then update your plugins. You won’t need to reactivate the admin plugins since this factors heavily into the new version.
Bring the other plugins back one at a time, checking your blog between each activation to prevent breaking your blog. If you activate one and something goes amiss, just deactivate it again.
Some extra tips for Upgrading WordPress to 2.7 comes from Lorelle, click the link to read more. If you haven’t read Lorelle on WordPress before, please, do yourself a favor and go now. Bookmark it. Check back often.