As we all know, creating a website and displaying on the internet for the world to see, is a very complicated process for the average person. The website creation process was not designed for the average, every-day person. It was designed for people that have a knack for, and understanding of geeky computer programming languages. The end result, the average, every-day person is either stuck with a very poorly designed, boring website… OR no website at all.
Enter BlinkWeb.
Finally… An easy way to create a professional looking website without knowing HTML, PHP, Javascript, and all the other techie nonsense needed to put a website online. (Well, okay, it’s not nonsense, it’s how I make a living (in my day job), but it is *nonsense* to a lot of folks).
Let’s face it, it should NOT be complicated to create a website. I mean, come on, it’s the year 2008! By now, you shouldn’t be forced to use bulky HTML editing software or pay some "nerd" (that would be me!) thousands of dollars to create a site for you.
For the past 8 months, Brad and Matt Callen, have been working extremely hard to provide a solution to this MAJOR problem that most people face. (You might know them as the creators of SEO Elite , Keyword Elite , Affiliate Elite and other web tools designed to make your Internet/Network Marketing business explode).
They’ve created a short video (below) to show you just how easy it will be to create a professional looking website with Blinkweb . I’m super excited about it and they have poured their hearts and souls into creating this for you, so I hope you like it.
After watching the video, please post your comments below by clicking on the comments link. I’d LOVE to hear what you think! 🙂
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